Joomla! and WordPress Support
As Part of our website support, development and design service, we work with two of the most popular open source Website Content Management Systems, which are Joomla! and WordPress. We have developed a number of new websites for our clients on the Joomla! and WordPress platforms. We have also worked on a number of version updates (upgrades) on both Joomla! and WordPress.
Joomla! and WordPress Website Design
To give our clients the ability to look after there own website content on a day to day business, we generally recommend that they use one of the very popular Open source Website Content Management Systems that are currently available. There are, as with most things in the computer software world, many to choose from. However AWP Computer Services suggest that our clients opt for one of the two most popular and best supported CMS platforms. These are namely Joomla! or WordPress. As part of the initial design, development and configuration process we look at the pros and cons of each system with our clients and help come to a decision about which software is going to be best for them.
Using either Joomla! orWordPress Website CMS (Content Management Systems) gives our clients the ability to make changes to the information on their websites, as often as they like, without involving us and without any need for any technical support. We may be involved in working on new things to introduce new features, but generally our clients can do everything for themselves after the initial project and the site is first published.
For those who want to maintain a powerful website without having to worry about all the coding, and the technical aspects of it, Joomla! and WordPress have established themselves as two of the leaders for online content management systems.
To be honest, they are both incredible systems, and can make maintaining a website quick and easy, no matter how little the user knows about computers and technology. Choosing which system to use can be difficult, but it as an important choice to make. For most people, once they’ve started with one, they won’t want to change, so let AWP Computer Services help you to review the features of each of these content management systems to see which one is right for you.
Joomla! and WordPress Security Help
Joomla! and WordPress security can sometimes be an issue. From the moment your site goes live, hackers start probing it looking for Joomla security vulnerabilities. Websites get hacked every day – sites like yours. Generally, Joomla! and WordPress security is good, but to keep on top of the security it is important that your CMS software and the add-ons or plug-ins are kept up to date.
Our Joomla! and WordPress security audit can reduce the chances of your site being hacked and additionally, should you suffer a hacking incident AWP Computer Services will ensure that you are prepared with back-ups and a full website (DRP) Disaster Recovery Plan.
For new customers who approach us after their Joomla! or WordPress CMS website security has been compromised, and have a hacked Joomla! or WordPress website, we offer a range of Joomla! and WordPress de-hacking services. As professional Joomla! and WordPress security experts, we understand web technology. As experts in CMS security you can trust us to help you with your website security needs.
Joomla! and WordPress Website Upgrades
To help reduce the security risks and the chances of your Joomla! or WordPress website being hacked, AWP Computer Services would always recommend keeping for software up to date. As well as the core Joomla! or WordPress CMS software, this also means the additional plug-ins or add-ons that are used to give your CMS extra features. Often the updates or upgrades are straightforward, and just require whoever is maintaining the website to keep on top of them, on a fairly regular basis. However, sometimes the upgrades are quite involved and will need the help of a technical expert, such as AWP Computer Services.
A typical example is taking your old outdated Joomla! version 1.5 website to the latest 3.3 version. You may not always want to spend the time, effort and money on a new website and if you are generally happy with the design, layout and content of your old site, an upgrade may still be the most affordable option. We would certainly recommend considering a rebuild on a new version, with new templates that take in to consideration new web technologies and best practices, such as responsive design. However, we do recognise that some clients are happy with their current website and just want to upgrade to improve the security. For them, we will always be happy to perform the upgrades.
If you would like more information about how AWP Computer Services can help you with your Joomla! and WordPress open source content management systems, please feel free to give us a call today, or contact us through the form on our website.